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Waipahu High School students in the Japanese language program built a traditional Zen rock garden to honor their sister school in Japan.
By implementing computer-blended learning, students at Farrington High School experienced incredible growth in their math skills.
A handful of schools in Hawaiʻi have adopted Super Powers Academy, which provides classrooms with mystery boxes containing missions related to a superpower.
After being inspired by seeing quilts in a fabric store, Waiahole Elementary School teacher Donna Kawasaki designed a lesson plan in which her students sew quilts.
Students at Ewa Elementary School can see constellations and planets in a mini inflatable planetarium, an exciting visual tool teachers use to point out celestial bodies.
Campbell High School teacher Wesley Adkins received a $25,000 Education Innovation Teacher Grant from PSHF and Farmers Hawaiʻi to help his students build a drive-in movie theater.
Chiefess Kamakahelei Middle School teacher Tyler Gage is using a $25,000 Education Innovation grant from PSHF and Farmers’ Insurance Hawaiʻi to support student-run hydroponic farm businesses. After students […]
PSHF is a contributing sponsor bringing computer science and cybersecurity education to Hawaii’s public schools. These classes teach students important 21st century skills they will likely need once they enter the job field.
PSHF proudly sponsors Oceanit’s Altino Cars Program, which aims to train 5,000 teachers in coding. Commands can be inputted into Altino cars using a multitude of programming languages, […]
Teachers in the Nanakuli and Waianae complex area attended a six-day coding class at Waianae Intermediate School designed to train teachers in coding using programmable robotic cars, also […]
PSHF is a contributing sponsor of ʻĀina-Informatics, an initiative designed to bring genome science into our local high school classrooms. The program’s objective is to develop place-based curricula […]
PSHF is a contributing sponsor of cybersecurity courses at Waipahu High School, the first of its kind among local high schools. With cybersecurity projected to be a growing […]
PSHF is a proud sponsor of the Aloha AI Network, a collaborative infrastructure/service for students to use as they learn the fundamentals of AI machine learning, deep learning […]
We Know Success Starts with a Good Idea and a Great Teacher
P.O. Box 4148
Honolulu, HI 96812
Email: pshf88@gmail.com
The ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to strengthening the quality of public education in Hawaii by advancing innovation from within. Our programs and initiatives are designed to encourage those in public education to continually challenge themselves in pursuit of educational excellence. In addition, we help to equip students with the skills necessary to take on the challenges of an uncertain future. The ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. (Tax Exempt No. 88-0243449)
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