Genome Science

Genome Science

The Aina-Informatics Network is an initiative based at Iolani School designed to bring genome science into our local high school classrooms. The program’s objective is to develop place-based curricula for ethical genome science that centers on Hawaii’s unique relationships to the aina, all while generating real data via a citizen science approach. This growing network consists of high school science teachers from both public and private schools across Hawaii.

The Aina-Informatics mobile sequencing lab is capable of running DNA extraction, PCR, gel electrophoresis and Nanopore MinION sequencing labs in virtually any classroom. As a network, they are developing labs which employ these technologies to address questions of food security, indigenous practices and local biodiversity through a citizen science approach. Their mobile lab equipment inventory (including reagents) is made available to Aina-Informatics Network teachers – this includes micropipettes, PCR thermocyclers, electrophoresis equipment, centrifuges and more. The Foundation supports the public schools by providing the sequencer, flow cells and library preparation kits required to run MinION third-generation sequencing in the classroom.