About Us

The ԹϺ is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to strengthening the quality of public education in Hawaii by advancing innovation from within.  Our programs and initiatives are designed to encourage those in public education to continually challenge themselves in pursuit of educational excellence. In addition, we help to equip students with the skills necessary to take on the challenges of an uncertain future.


The Foundation raises funds to help support the Foundation’s Good Idea Grants, Education Innovation Grants, Design Thinking Bootcamp, Altino Coding, Aloha Artificial Intelligence, Genome Science Teacher Training and other programs.

Donations make a difference.

Community support, that includes donations, sponsorships and partnerships, allow the ԹϺ to be a funding and program resource for schools and teachers across Hawaii. The Foundation is led by volunteer trustees who are committed to supporting public school teachers and students statewide.

The ԹϺ holds an annual fundraiser dinner called Kulia I Ka Nu’u (“strive to reach for the highest”) that honors distinguished public school graduates and an outstanding business for significant contributions in its field and the greater community.

You can join us by making a gift!

Your tax-deductible contribution to the ԹϺ will make a difference in improving public education.


The Foundation offers individuals, businesses and community organizations an easy and convenient way to invest in efforts to make a greater and more lasting impact in the classroom. Please join us in raising the stakes on Hawaii’s public education system.

Donate Now

Support Hawaii’s public schools and educators with your gift to the ԹϺ. The Foundation is a registered nonprofit IRS 501(c)(3) organization (TIN 88-0243449). Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

For further information about the Foundation and its programs, contact the ԹϺ, P.O. Box 4148, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812 or email us at pshf88@gmail.com.

Charity Navigator gives the ԹϺ 4 out of 4 stars as a 501(c)3 organization.