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PSHF proudly sponsors the Hawaii Youth Sustainability Challenge, which is an initiative to empower Hawaii youth to create solutions to conservation and sustainability challenges in their schools.
Design Thinking boot camps for public school teachers and students encourage thinking boldly and creatively to foster collaboration, ingenuity and creativity in our classroom.
PSHF sponsors Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) initiatives for science lab equipment; training for math and science teachers; and establishing coding, cybersecurity, biotechnology, genome science, and artificial intelligence (AI) programs are at several schools.
The General Eric K. and Patricia Shinseki Scholarship fund administered by PSHF offers scholarships to graduates of public high schools on Kauai
The Aina-Informatics Network is an initiative designed to bring genome science into local high school classrooms.
The Aloha AI Network is a collaborative infrastructure/service for students to use as they learn the fundamentals of AI machine learning, deep learning neural networks, and computer vision.
PSHF proudly sponsors Oceanit’s Altino cars program, which aims to train thousands of teachers in coding with the intent to reach every student in Hawaii.
We Know Success Starts with a Good Idea and a Great Teacher
P.O. Box 4148
Honolulu, HI 96812
Email: pshf88@gmail.com
The ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ is a community-based non-profit organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to strengthening the quality of public education in Hawaii by advancing innovation from within. Our programs and initiatives are designed to encourage those in public education to continually challenge themselves in pursuit of educational excellence. In addition, we help to equip students with the skills necessary to take on the challenges of an uncertain future. The ³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. (Tax Exempt No. 88-0243449)
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